
Pussy: I have one, but I don�t write about it.

I am back in NY and not yet in my own space but living a random existence in a non-space. I�m looking at boxes and lamenting a really shitty schedule which includes having to actually partake in an academic endeavor in the evening; therefore I am not feeling much like a posting fool. Don�t think me childish; my evenings have always been mine to do with as I please and I will miss that. Damn it, six to nine is mine; I own it. A few reminders: Pussy: I have one, but I don�t write about it. Story: Back in the spring in another place, a place where friends write stuff just to keep in touch with each other, I wrote a post about a comment some girl had made on her boyfriends journal. The boyfriend was some guy that out of the blue had put me on his friends list so I in turn added him to mine. We had a random few people who had somehow interjected themselves in to our little clan for whatever reason. I had no idea who this guy was except he was an emo type and a musician of some kind. He had posted and an entry and as I had not commented on his journal in a long time I wrote some benign comment in his journal. I then out of the blue get an email from him telling me that his girlfriend had no idea anyone read his journal and she was totally pissed off. I go to his journal and there is a comment from her under the comment I had written. The comment is as follows: You should really lick my pussy right now: P Sorry just thought I would tell you you�re going to bust a nut tonight and I don�t want to hear another word about it! -Ur Baby. I thought this was pretty funny so I posted in my journal a rather thoughtless post which directed everyone to the post and her comment. I also wrote the following in my journal for the masses to read.

I think this is what a girl writes on the internet when they think some other girl is reading her boyfriends journal and that the reader has designs on her man. I kind of (sort of but not really) wanted to write: No worries hon I am not a nut buster and I don't like long haired stoned musicians licking my pussy.I am in a very good mood I got a sort of grade back that has made me happy so I felt a little hilarity was in order.

Make no mistake this post from me was just a way of showing off my superiority and after posting it and getting a lot of comments from friends as well as a lot of laughs I began to feel kind of guilty about my arrogance, so I erased the post and apologized for my superiority complex. I knew the girl had read it of course, and I also knew enough about these people to know they had not been afforded the advantages in life that I had, meaning a paid for college education, a upper middle class lifestyle, clean living, lots of family support and what one might call the All American Dream Life. I had posted it, of course, because I felt quite intellectually above this girl, I felt like god compared to her, and I felt I was so much better than a girl who needed to post sex talk in their boyfriends journal is response to another girl posting a comment. I erased the post the next day along with posting an apology because I knew she would have read it, still feeling sick at the laughs I got at others expense.I am not going to post my retraction post but I am going to get to the point about why I don�t write about pussy. After deleting the post, (actually I made it private I didn't delete it), a comment from one of my best friends struck me. Here is his comment,and believe me it made a good away message for a very long time but rang so true that I stick to it to this day and apply this to other things in life as well. Who knew a surfer dude, snowboarding, psychology major with a severe case of ADD could be so philosophical and so right. Comment from friend:

I am not gonna lie it was funny. I am not gonna lie it was in a way wrong and I'm glad you took it down. Moral of the story is that you can post about your own pussy in your own journal but you shouldn't put anyone else posting about their pussy in your journal. So, when do we get your pussy story?

So as I can�t proceed with a clean moral conscience to post about someone else�s pussy in my online journals and I don�t post about my pussy in online journals you will all have to just do without. More random notes: IP addresses: Always hide them because there are some real sick people out there. A Women, without her, man is nothing. A Women: without her man is nothing. Yes, you got it, read Eats Shoots and Leaves. I'm sure it has been said but I'm going to say it again. Andy Roddick needs to stay out of commercials that ask him where his mo jo is as these promotions seem to do nothing more than suck it all out of him. The good news is that there are a few hot Europeans still in the running. I faced the fact a long time ago that male American tennis players are for the most part either abrasive and obnoxious or boring as all hell and not as pleasant to look at as the Europeans or Latin Americans. Blake is hot though and he has a tragic year last year. I do love Andre. We all have read by now that Scientists have decoded the Chimpanzee Genome. I am thinking that it may be a good idea to propose this be taught in all religion classes across the country. What do you think? Anyone from the South that happens by and has a room to spare might want to check this out. People need places to crash for a time due to that miserable bitch Katrina.

Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit.

Blessed is the lamb whose blood flows.

Blessed are the sat upon, Spat upon, Ratted on,

O Lord, Why have you forsaken me?

I got no place to go.

Weekly Coalition for Darfur Post follows so read it and weep or better yet read it and demand something be done or do something. What is happening post hurricane is heartbreaking but what is happening in Africa is inhumane.

Photo Thanks, Feddie and Eugene What It Is All About Last weekend, the blog Blue Girl, Red State wrote a post about a regular blog commenter who went by the name "Shameless Hussy." Blue Girl reports that "Shameless Hussy" went to Darfur in June as a humanitarian volunteer and was traumatized by what she saw

What she dealt with daily goes beyond the pale...beyond the nightmares of most people; Children with all four limbs hacked off right above the knee or below the elbow. Twelve year olds who died in childbirth after being gang-raped by the Janjaweed. Women who gave birth to rape-babies who were then cast out by their families for shaming the family name, leaving only one avenue of survival for themselves and their children after the camps: Prostitution. What is f**ing her up is the desperation, and the fact that she worked herself to death for over a month, and she still didn't really save anyone. Now that she's gone, it's like she was never there. Even the ones she helped keep alive, she didn't save. You try dealing with that reality. And women are the preponderance of victims. Men do not leave the villages to go to the countryside to gather firewood and other necessary items of sustenance. Women venture out, even though every time they leave their villages, they are at horrific risk of being beaten and raped and disfigured. The reason they go instead of the men? The women are only attacked, the men are killed.
This post receive a fair amount of attention within the blogosphere (as far as posts about Darfur go) mainly due to the fact that Kevin Drum linked to it. And while getting bloggers to pay attention to Darfur, if only for a minute, is a minor miracle, it is worth asking why it takes a post about traumatized aid workers to generate any interest in genocide. This situation in Darfur has existed for over two years and, if people were interested, they could find accounts of death, disease, rape and torture occurring there on an almost daily basis. 400,000 people have died and nearly 3 million have been displaced and yet nobody - not politicans, not the media, not bloggers - really seem to care. To anyone who has been paying attention, the atrocities witnessed by "Shameless Hussy" are, sadly, well-known. If her story generates concern for the people of Darfur, then for that we should be thankful. And if people who were moved by it are really interested in Darfur, then they should start reading the analyses produced by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Eric Reeves and the International Crisis Group, supporting organizations like Doctors Without Borders, Save the Children, Save Darfur and STAND, reading blogs like Passion of the Present, Sudan Watch, the Coalition for Darfur, and Sleepless in Sudan and demanding that their elected leaders do something about it. Our thanks goes out to "Shameless Hussy" and all those who sacrifice to help those in need. But we must keep in mind that Darfur is not about them - it is about this


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Varied post. Darfur is no doubt unimaginable, but I have never before seen photos of masses of Americans looking like refugees. Maybe Katrina will generate some fellow feeling with other peoples caught in crisis.

Captists worship pussy.

9/01/2005 11:21:00 PM  
Blogger {illyria} said...

i've never been that high-low on a post before. wow. damn.

hilarious pussy is actually easy to come by nowadays, but darfur...that really puts perspective back on track.

thank you for sharing that.

9/02/2005 12:21:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The pussy she queefs as quietly as the child starves in Darfur. The pussy queefs because she is full of love and recognition, the child starves, not for lack of love, but for lack of recognition.

Like, my comment is totally absurd, but it works, I'm good with it...lol. Nice Post!

9/02/2005 12:59:00 AM  
Blogger mojo shivers said...

Your posts sometimes, Cooper, remind me of a news program. A lot of different stories that somehow mesh into an entertaining product more valuable than the sum of its parts.

And I'd just like to add that I always believed you had a pussy too.

9/02/2005 02:50:00 AM  
Blogger Doug The Una said...

Top: I just need to know the Ph.

Bottom: This is too much.

9/02/2005 08:07:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

First, I don't think you should appologize for your background. As long as you don't abuse it. I don't appologize for the fact that I was able to take six months off from working so I could write a novel. I didn't live the high life. In some ways, I barely existed. But I was able to do it, and I don't feel guilty about that.

I'm not sure what to do for Katrina's victims. I will probably donate blood, which takes about 5 times longer for me than for anyone else. I don't have the money anymore to give alot (I was able to write without a job, but only for 6 months). I feel bad for the people, but more than that, I feel anger that while the gov't knew New Orleans was a possible target for a storm, they didn't start evacuating sooner or provide evac transport for people without cars. The city is below sea level. Even a minor hurricane is going to flood the city.

As for Darfur, I'm not sure what to say anymore. There has to be someone to talk to who will listen and can act.

Don't be ashamed of your pussy. I'm sure its not ashamed of you.

9/02/2005 11:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read this even though it took a long time.

Funny,insightful,sad and tragic.

You mention pussy and men just have to repeat the word.

Your brain on fire girl.

The sadness of it all is beyond me. I don't know what to do.

9/02/2005 11:22:00 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

I have the same policy when writing about my cock.

It's time we all stop and look around.

Bush has his hands full considering everything in the world. My opinion is that he's performed miserably.

I think I might be able to beat Roddick right now. How come tennis players cannot handle the stress of fame and media like other athletes?

9/02/2005 03:40:00 PM  
Blogger Cooper said...

weirdso: let us hope. Damn captists. Why do you think I come over there.

You�re welcome.

Thanks. Absurd but it does work.

MoJo: Thanks Mo Jo. As for believing I had a pussy well yea.
Reuban: It is tragic.

Doug: Haven't gotten by pussy ph test kid yet,
and yes the bottom is way too much.

Coyote: I wasn't apologizing about my background I was apologizing for my attititude, as for Katrina and all the tragedy surrounding it I am sure we will all do our part and for Darfur making noise at this time is the best thing to so until that noise becomes loud enough nothing will be done.
i'm not ashamed of my pussy I like it I just don't write about it because it is shy.

jake: got ya

MJ: I did not fail to notice you did not write about you're cock but it would seem funny in your blog. We definitely need to look around and yes he failed miserably.
Tennis players are like delicate little bugs and they spend way too much time with sports psychologists.

9/02/2005 10:08:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I stand corrected. You may spank me at your leasure.

9/02/2005 11:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was funny at first and then depressingly awesome.

Take the weekend off from worry don't your classes start Tuesday?

It is all making me sick.

9/03/2005 02:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post Cooper. Loved the brutal honesty

it's kind of hard to have fun this weekend when people are walking around New York with PTSD

Have a new post in the culture part of Blog Critics--shameless self promotion am I

9/03/2005 09:47:00 AM  
Blogger Rex Venom said...

Let me put this very simply: You are Varied.
From pussy to starving babies.
You have it all.
And that makes for one hell of a read. Not necessarily a fun read, but a full read none the less.
Rock on!
(and just for the record, if you were to write about deeply private and personal matters, it would be ok�..hee hee hee)

9/03/2005 12:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An astute yet attractive bit of self deprecating honesty.
Having read your blog for some time I have decided that you are one person I would love to meet.

This was a long read which is why I passed it by yesterday. I have learned that I have to read most of your posts completely and slowly to catch the real meaning.

I do admit that it was not a fun read but it was an excellent read.

9/03/2005 02:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

scratch that the pussy part was kind of fun, and starting out light and then wham.

9/03/2005 02:25:00 PM  
Blogger W. S. Cross said...

Brilliant, exhausting, I can't always keep up with your racing mind, but it's never dull and always makes me ponder and think. Also perhaps the most number of times that the word "pussy" has been used on a blog with no reference to actual sex. Brava!

9/09/2005 12:18:00 PM  

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