
Merry Holiday.......Spotlight on Darfur.

It�s the holiday here or whatever you want to call it or not. While some fight about their rights to have Christmas called Christmas some are fighting just to live. Get over it people, seriously. Call it whatever you want, acknowledge other peoples religious holidays, or not but realize that it is not going to kill you if your Christmas is called a holiday or vice versa. No one owes you anything for you�re tolerance of their religion just as you don�t owe me a thing for having to listen to stories about the Jesus your God so freely crucified. I�m not complaining because the Pope wears Prada shoes am I? My only question is when do these children get a holiday? Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us There are various organizations throughout the world, easily found by anyone with access to a computer, which provide information on places to give money in order that these people can have enough food just to survive. WorldVision Amnesty International / Sudan Doctors without Borders

Unfortunately recently it has been impossible in most cases for relief workers to even enter most of Darfur and their safety has often been compromised. We hope that is going to change but there are times when it appears this task is insurmountable. We encourage you to apply pressure as often and needed to your representatives on a local, state and national level; to press the issue of this ongoing slaughter of human life and spirit. We can not under any circumstance forget Darfur but remembering is not enough. A call to action must be forthcoming and the support of the world is needed on a profusely consistent and continuous basis. Most current news on DARFUR.

http://allafrica.com/stories/200512140653.html http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/

Contine reading for information on the Spotlight on Darfur event being held on December the 16th; you can participate or just go check it out. Everyone is invited. ;)

And yes: I wish you a Merry Happy Whatever you want to call it. Hi all, We are having our third Spotlight on Darfur - and I would like to invite you to let people know on your blogs and send in a post. Here are the details, with a link to the post: As Christmas approaches I am very mindful of the ongoing situation in Darfur. One of the ways we can assist is to use some of our online time to once again put the Spotlight on Darfur. I am inviting posts for Spotlight on Darfur 3: Christmas Edition. Any posts you have on Darfur that were posted since the last Spotlight (October 17) can be sent in. Posts don't have to be long. You may want to post on what is happening and/or include info on a suitable aid agency for donations. This will be one way of giving something for Christmas to the refugees of the Darfur genocide crisis. Here are the details: Spotlight on Darfur 3: Christmas Edition will be hosted on 16 December. Please send the following info for your post by midnight 15 December: 1. The name of your blog 2. The URL of your blog 3. The title of your post 4. The URL of your post 5. A description of your post Send your post details to: catez2003 ATT yahoo DOTT com I'd appreciate if you'd follow those guidelines. It makes it easier for me to have all that in your email. The Christmas Edition will be hosted here at Allthings 2all. Our last two Spotlights on Darfur went really well and it was a privilege to be part of them. If you didn't see them, or if you are wondering what the Spotlights are like here they are: Spotlight on Darfur 2 Spotlight on Darfur 1 http://allthings2all.blogspot.com/2005/12/spotlight-on-darfur-3-christmas.html Trackback URL: http://haloscan.com/tb/catez2003/113387990904069134 http://allafrica.com/stories/200512140653.html Thanks - I'm hosting this one and we have a new host lined up for next year's first Spotlight already too! Our last one, hosted by Eddie at Live from the FDNF was great - and was linked well. Catez Stevens Catez Stevens Website: Allthings2all http://allthings2all.blogspot.com


Blogger Unknown said...

Once again, you cut the issue down to its core. And I love it when you're simultaneously compassionate and hostile. I don't really have much else to say. Good job.

GotB: You forgot Festivus!

12/15/2005 12:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweet hot girl of the world and more. I was happy, not all that happy as finals start tomorrow, but happy enough and then I read this and I'm not so happy any longer but that's ok. I thank you anyway.

12/15/2005 12:30:00 AM  
Blogger Doug The Una said...

Yeah, wow. Perspective. The world looks scary in proportion.

12/15/2005 06:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing left to say; not going to thank you for having a conciense and doing because that's what make you, you.

But I do have to thank you for the save at Pandagano. Didn't realize my post was going to be submitted; and wrote it for people who know me, I realized, or who can pick up subtlities, language plays etc etc

My sister sometmes introduces me as "Pia, she could have been an intellectual, but chose pop culture."

Don't mean to lighten the mood or the seriousness of what you are doing. But I really had to thank you.

12/15/2005 09:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

right on alice - as usual.


for the fun stuff and for this stuff.

as always joe g

12/15/2005 10:39:00 AM  
Blogger zydeco fish said...

I am getting tired of agreeing with you :-)

12/15/2005 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you Alice, but I gave up on my supposed representatives a long time ago.

12/15/2005 11:38:00 AM  
Blogger Clockworkchris said...

Thanks for the Happy Whatever wishes-same to you

12/15/2005 12:11:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm very proud of you for the things you care about. But I also hope you continue to look into yourself, as per a couple of posts ago. It is good to want to help people. But don't lose yourself in the process.

Fight for Darfur. But also fight to find Alice.

12/15/2005 05:16:00 PM  
Blogger dan said...

"I'm proud to be an American where at least my TV's free..."

Oh, those aren't the exact lyrics? What do you mean?

Damn fucking right on. Oops. Speaking in French.

Happy ThankFestHanuChristaKwaanNewYear.

(Pia sent me... and keeps sending me...)

12/15/2005 05:57:00 PM  
Blogger Sar said...

I've been donating to Doctors Without Borders for years. Excellent recommendation. And thanks for pointing out the Spotlight on Darfur event.

12/15/2005 06:05:00 PM  
Blogger Cooper said...

GOTB: You got it; money pit of a holiday. People spend all their time running around buying " the right gift" when they could be spending it in fellowship with their loved ones getting drunk, dancing, talking politics and arguing. The later is so much more fun and makes for good memories.. the gifts ..well I can't remember the name of one gift I have ever recieved for Christmas.

Wombat: Hostile is me, bbut you already know that.

Jake: can't be happy all the time and I'm actually pretty cold right now.

Doug: It is scary.That sock thing is still scaring me more though.;)

dan: right on is right, thanks for stopping by but please don't let pia break like your arm or anything..

Pia: No one needed to save you believe me.

My brother introduces me to his friends with "this is my sister,don't touch her she is smarter than you, she carries a machete and she knows how to use it."

joe: thanks

zydeco: maybe next time you can try to disagree ... for fun.

weird: I used to be in contact with mine from Maryland when I lived there, I was in high school and was writing him all the time. He is quite old, a republican but he is is very smart.. he voted against the renewal of the patriot act.

coyote: now you sou like my father. ;)

Chris: same happy happy to you.

Sar: Your welcome and thanks for working to bring the troops home.

12/15/2005 07:40:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

(Scary Breathing and James Earl Jones voice): Alice, I am not your father.

Horrible, I know, but you set me up.

12/15/2005 07:56:00 PM  
Blogger Doug The Una said...

I meant on my feet.

12/15/2005 09:40:00 PM  
Blogger Cooper said...

Yea coyote I know...who my daddy is.

Dawg I was pretty sure it was your feet.

12/15/2005 11:47:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Its good that you know. Knowledge is power. Power leads to corruption. Hmmm, maybe knowledge isn't such a good thing.

Me sleepy.

12/16/2005 01:38:00 AM  
Blogger Miz BoheMia said...

I have been chceking in quite a bit but hadn't commented yet because, what is there to say?

You are right. I agree with you. Hopefully standing up for human rights, keeping the less fortunate in mind and helping out in any way one can is not a passing fad or the "thing of the season"... although the help of such people is help nonetheless...

And you girl... hope you have a great break from studying and a merry, happy, jolly everything... Happy New Year... that I can say right? ;-)

12/16/2005 02:20:00 AM  
Blogger mojo shivers said...

Get some sleep, Miss Cooper! You simply cannot stay up till 3 a.m. all the time.

That's my job.

12/16/2005 05:18:00 AM  
Blogger Cooper said...

Knowledge is power coyote that's why I stay up all night studying.

Mizzy B: thanks mizzy B I still have almost a week before it ends.

Mojo: You better get rid of that dsl mojo.

12/16/2005 08:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9/25/2006 05:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work!
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9/25/2006 05:53:00 PM  

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