Messy Mess
Sorry for the previous mess. I have been busy all weekend with things like library and feeding the hungry and I got home really late last night and my template looked funny so I started messing with it. I have no idea how it got quite so fucked up. I choose to blame blogger but then again you get what you pay for. I have exams through Thursday; my schedule is tenuous at best. Everyone else seems to be out and home and playing and for those of you that are��..I hate you. I�ve got some work to catch up on and then I�m going to play with the damn template again. If I have the chance.
Please don't hate me because the second rate school I teach at lets out earlier than yours. Cuz then I would be sad and have to weep in the corner. Or drink or something.
Our second rate school lets out late, but fortunately I don't work there anymore.
Not to worry. Mom always said the holiday season went through New Years.
Awwww...good luck! And I am sorry you hate me because I have been playing :(
You'll get through it!
I have been playing... but now I am stuck with a stinking head cold... ahhh the Holiday season!!!
If I were a blind person... the previous blog template would have been perfect for my blind eyes... the words were HUGE!! LOL!
Good Luck on your Exams... I have to work all week and only get one stinking day off for Christmas and have 2 exams this week... Bah HumbBug! :)~
Yes, well I hate everyone about now, but in a good way so don't fret.
Hope you feel bettr Shayna, yeah it was rather large.
I'm not really that much in a mess just rushed and of course have not gotten to look at any blogs this weekend.
I was all home all day basically fiddling around with Itunes. Then I went out for a bit to Christmas shop.
I had a very lazy day, in fact. Huh, imagine that.
Funny... I have been testing different template things trying to see if and how to change mine... I feel restless every once in a while and since last night your world has changed quite a bit! I prefer this one to the HUGE font though! ;-)
Good luck with it and good luck with those pesky finals!
You have to study? Or just show up for finals
Hey Alice,
It's my first look at the new template. It's very cool. Strong contrasts, and dark, but charismatic. I hope you dig it.
Good luck with all your studies, and getting the template just how you want it.
If you're feeling a bit overwhelmed or otherwise stressed, please get in touch with me via my site. I think you can conceive of why I would mention this to you.
Let me know.
Oh yah, here's the website.
Well, it could be worse... you could be writing a 200 page tax opinion like I am. I must say though - the judges of the 1930s must have been closet poets. They were quite eloquent:
"Our dangers, as it seems to me, are not from the outrageous but from the conforming; not from those who rarely and under the lurid glare of obloquy upset our moral complaisance, or shock us with unaccustomed conduct, but from those, the mass of us, who take their virtues and their tastes, like their shirts and their furniture, from the limited patterns which the market offers."
Alice! Another look! Loving this one! Woooooohoooooooooo! You are quite the amazon now! It makes me want to behave so that you don't kick my ass! Please, don't kick my ass! *bohemian runs away, shaking with fear*
mojo: mama don't dsl awayyy
mama don't take my dsl, mama don't take my dsl, mama don't take my dsl awaaaaay.
mizzy B: I just saw yours and I like.
Pia: I actually have to study because I AM AN ANAL RETENTIVE FREAK. I also have a couple of projects due, which are done, but I have to go over them a hundred times.
Graham: ha by now I think I changed it..hope you have a great trip to L.A.
Jay: slow down you move too fast- you got to make the moment last- just kicking down the cobblestone- looking for love and feeling groooooooovy-
You mean that kind?
singularity: you are definitely right on that one.
protagoras: rather a weird place to go for help. Seriously I'm fine. Thanks though. I get by with a little help from my friends. ;)
Jeez, still messing with the ol' template, I see ;)
As for playing, well, I'm bailing on work and I'm sure I'll have to pay the piper after the New Year.
Good luck with finals!
Thanks Jason.
We all got to pay someone in the end I hear...might as well be the piper...unless it is the pied piper, because that gut was weird.
Friday monring I am out of here.
I LUV you're outfit in the pic!!!!!!! I can see how you insnared poor inocent Mr. Dog!!!!
Kiss kiss!!!!!!
Just stay out of are chest poker game in Heaven!!!!!!!
Alice: I wouldn't say Pia "forced" me too. I'd say strongly suggested.
Of course, since she has such good taste, I forgot to say I was wowed. And stupified. And horrified.
And I liked it, and will keep coming back, mess or not. ;)
pansi : shut have those lords a leaping all over you.... some of us have more decency than that. Even though I have had my share of dawgs they were never allowed to do the " A- Leaping" thing. For Shame.
dan: When I get done with these exams..and with all this messing around in here... I am going to read the hell out of you. ;0
Two comments on one post? As Napoleon might say, "Lucky!"
I just wanted to tip you off that somebody really outdid themselves tonight and I couldn't be more proud.
It's just outstanding. Swing by whenever you can.
P.S.- And, no, no one can take my DSL away...
I was wondering what we were in transition to yesterday. The augmentation was unnecessary. You had me at "Darfur." Pansi, never fear, there's more than enough of me to go around. Really. It's true.
MoJo: You are right it was a beautiful post; she out did herself.
Doug: I've had no augmentation. ;)
Ignore Pansi..she is a over there leaping with the lawds of the naked gymnastic for jesus club.
thatoldsoul: I think it is the " power woman " you fear....or is it women in power.
She stays.
Isn't Caz the greatest!!!!?!!!
Love the NEW look... and so you!!
SUPER SWEET~! I love the new Wonderland or Not! My oh my, those are some fierce, uh, eyes you have hehehe
Cool. It's very dark and mysterious here.
Need to add that your blog is boobalicious!
Lucious ta ta's.
The face is like yours but what about the luscious ta's ta's?
I like the whole scene here.
I liked that letter the "government sent you below, made me laugh. You are one sick, but normal looking girl.
My last exam is in a couple hours. Luck to you with the rest of your week.
Happy Holidays or whatever I don't care either I just want a few days off and a lot of food.
I'm playing blog catch up too. Wow, I did a double take to make sure I was at your site, Alice. Very dark and that image lends itself towards exhuding sexuality. ;) But I can understand needing to mix things up to keep them interesting.
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